Tuesday, December 7, 2010

membesarkan buah hati dengan kreatif

Merintis bisnis sambil membesarkan buah hati
Menyiapkan tabungan pendidikan untuk masa depan yang lebih terencana

Cerita anak kedua saya, Fadhil, umur 4 tahun

sekolah TK A, moody banget, selalu minta ditemenin
nempeeellll terus sama bundanya

Minggu pertama whole day
Bulan pertama tetep whole day
BUlan keenam masih ditemenin

Is there somthing wrong??
ohh masih ada temennya yang ditemenin juga *itu alasannya*
ehmm gurunya ngga care nih *another reason*
sekolahnya ngga ada mainnya sih *alasan juga*

alasan gratis yaaa
dan still tetep di tempat yang sama
udah banyak alasan, sekolahnya bolong-bolong lagi, mood moodan
gimana mau keliatan hasilnya

One day, I ask ayah nicely untuk turun tangan,
dianter ayah sekolah...
dan lepas begitu saja
ngga ditemenin
sejak hari pertama di anter ayah

ternyata kalau kita bersedia membuka diri
mengubah cara melakukan sesuatu
things work
*sesederhana meminta Ayah untuk nganterin*
its a matter of ASKING and TRYING

like we did with puzzle
like we through with our life
while it doesnt work
try another way
until it works

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

have a happy day!!!

Fariella Julian

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Little About Child Safety For Windows And Roller Blinds

There was a recent memory of many products related to children because of lead paint. But there are many products in your home that can cause injuries that do not even know about. There are thousands of children admitted to emergency rooms each year from related injuries window. Fortunately these accidents are preventable with just a couple of easy safety measures.

The following are three of the most important safety devices to be used if you're worried by his son security around the windows.

(1) safety devices for Roller Blinds Most roller blinds manufactured before 2001 may not meet current safety regulations for older children because the roller shutters tend to have long cords that sometimes form a loop. A long cord, especially a wound, is a danger to the safety of children as children can easily get entangled in the cord and strangle themselves. Some of the biggest roller blinds without cords have stoppers, which makes them accessible to children. These horrible accidents usually occur in infants and children. Infants who were placed near a window may end up strangling to death in their own cribs. Children tend to die in this way to see after climbing out a window, falling, and getting caught up in the cords of roller shutters. Fortunately strangulation by the blind cord deaths are preventable. Since roller blinds bought before 2001 pose the greatest risk of strangulation, there are a couple of things you can do. You can buy a kit that will include updated safety tassels and caps for their age roller blinds, or the best action you can take is the installation of new roller blinds that are made with child safety devices.

(2) The window guards From the window screens are not effective in preventing children from falling out of windows, window guards are one of the best solutions on the market today. The window guards can help prevent serious falls from windows, by acting as a door. Installed in front of the window, window guards are available in both horizontal and vertical bars. When looking for a window guard you want to find one that has a mechanism so that it can be opened completely in an emergency like a fire. In order to prevent a child from squeezing through the bars of the window guards must be a maximum of ten centimeters apart.

(3) window Stops A window can no longer be an adequate safety device if it has windows that normally are closed, as the window to avoid a window opening more than ten centimeters. The only disadvantage of using a window stop is that you will not be able to completely open the window, so if you're looking or a safety device that allows you to have more ventilation you will want to go with the window guard option.

Ultimately security window is parental choice. If you are at all interested parties to the safety of your child may want to see in childproofing your windows and roller shutters.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Real Parenting Advice For Single Fathers and Single Mothers

The best advice for single parents that I know is this: "It takes a village to raise a child." Single mothers or single parents, have demands and stress imposed upon them. Just more than two hands to form a family that has a people. Sometimes other people simply have no idea what is being alone, increasing their children.

The list is almost as endless as it is relentless. The demands of work, house cleaning, laundry, meals, endless walks, visits to schools and functions, athletics, programs, doctors, dentists, friends, and on and on strike.

Add the only attempt parents do have a social life and you might just tip the balance. However, we all need love and affection and friendship! Ask any single mother or father about his social life and it is likely that some reactions lot of fun!

So, how these people? As any parent or single quickly agree, tensions going alone can be monumental. Sometimes you can feel so alone. However, there are many things you can do for you job more fruitful and enjoyable. Make use of the many resources available to help.

The African proverb that says "It takes a village to raise a child" is very true. It is absurd to try to do everything yourself and quickly lead to burnout. There are many ways to share the burden and simultaneously be an aid to those who are helping him.

First, recognize that they are not alone! There are literally millions of people in similar situations and probably most of them feel as does much of the time. It is also very important to keep the big picture in mind, so you do not get bogged in the details of everyday life.

Much can be said about our expectations and fears. It seems that both things that we hope and fear to happen to us. Being well aware of what we dwell on the inside. Our thoughts are powerful and have a tendency to become prophecy to be fulfilled prophecies. Remember that fear which often comes to us!

Coordinate with other parents. Take the car, for example, with some planning and communication is usually possible to share the ride to give. Just be sure to give and receive. The same applies to overnight visits, tours, classes, sports, childcare and so on.

Councillors school, coaches, teachers and business owners can also be very helpful. The use of electronic mail has made keeping track of the times, dates, appointments, notes, activities much easier and faster. Maintain a steady line of communication open with the important people in their children's lives.

Take time for yourself! Do not forget that if you are not satisfied, you can do very little to actually help their loved ones. We need to be replenished and rejuvenated in order to continue its strenuous way. Would not it be great to meet someone who shares his dreams and values?

What about that social life? So, What is the single parent or single parent to do? Go alone with children can bring their knees quite quickly, not to mention the fact that there is another adult to talk to! It is essential that single parents and single mothers to connect with another person who can give you comfort, advice and help.

The network of online dating is quite extensive and has many sites where you can learn a lot and possibly even someone you like - a lot!. I personally know that several people have met some wonderful people from dating services. School functions can also present many opportunities to connect with other parents, single, married as well. Today it seems that the "traditional family" is either divorced or unmarried!

Take your time and make the effort to connect with their own people, will help you more than you can imagine. Parenting advice is usually better when given by another parent who has been there and did it!

Monday, September 15, 2008


A stretch of Stepcouples

As a counselor, I have heard a lot of stories, many of which amaze me:

Mom had been married 4 times. One of my stepfather sexually abused me.

I saw my stepfather beat my mother.

My dad left us for another woman when I was 7.

Mom was mentally ill and hospitalized for long periods at a time.

I just remember my father drunk all the time.

If you have similar stories in their memory banks, refer to this article. You grew up with a bad road map for how to love, trust and support of another person in a relationship. You do not have parents in their relationship or you get your needs met early childhood constantly. His early losses probably forced him to grow up with insecurity and anger.

When taking medical histories, I see that many of you have left home early. Some girls got pregnant and married their high school boyfriends. Guys left as soon as possible at 18 and never returned. He was strong and determined not to require parents… or anyone. You were the survivors!

Fast forward things changed. Many of you were successful careers and fiercely independent. Then came the love far and hooked up the hope that might make differently from their parents. Many of you married people with children in tow from previous relationships. You became a stepcouple with the obligation to care for and help raise the other children.

This is where his early childhood experiences deliver an ugly Pall. How can you know about loving, trusting and supporting a person in an intimate relationship? How can you know about putting other people's needs first, especially the needs of children. You've been alone and self-reliant and self-centered… for years. You've been in complete control of their lives. Now you're in a relationship. Its buttons are going to be pushed and will be a huge learning curve and to get what they want and need.

But I always tell people, it is feasible, if you're willing to do the job.
* Take slowly. Be patient with yourself. Recognize how this can be difficult for you.
* Do not set yourself up for the lack of setting unrealistic expectations from the outset. You do not know what to expect to be open and flexible. Be prepared to be influenced by their partner in a healthy way.
* Focus on building a relationship with her partner on the basis of something different from what you experience as a child. Share other stories.
* Learn to speak, listen and hear each other. Talk about what you want and listen to what he / she wants. Be prepared to ask for help and understanding.
* Remember, this is new territory, and you want it to the past - be patient. Allow your partner to know you and vice versa. Allowing the familiarity and confidence to build.

What about his past stands in your way of its stepcouple and stepfamily relationships?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Infidelity in Marriage: How to Cope with a Cheating Spouse

Infidelity touches 80% of all marriages. Unfortunately, many people are not even aware that what is happening in her marriage until quite a bit of time has passed. Men and women recovering from infidelity go through similar stages of recovery and share a common need for support and marital counseling if they wish to rebuild their relationship. The infidelity is the sine qua non for divorce.

Infidelity hits people in different ways, some angry, some calm acceptance, while others, we are stunned, was caught in shock. This is not a simple problem and can not be fixed with a simple cure, although that is what they desire most often. Sometimes a marriage can seem perfect from the outside, when the reality is that the unspeakable act, in fact, has taken place.

Matters are more likely to occur during these phases in a couple's life cycle. Usually, involving sex, at least enough sex to create a secret that sealed the conspiratorial alliance of the case, and makes the relationship tense, dangerous and therefore exciting. Most cases involve a bit of bad sex and hours on the phone. Matters are always traps lead to emotional disaster. It is like being trapped in a network created by deception, deceit, disloyalty, and a bewildering kind of love.

Affairs are, unfortunately, one of the biggest reasons for separation and divorce these days. That's why it's a good idea to understand what you can do today to help affair-proof your marriage in the coming years. If you suspect your spouse is cheating you, do not let those feelings go. There is nothing wrong with being more aware of their spouse. Marriage is a difficult thing to maintain, requires a lifetime of love and comittment.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Diaper cakes for expecting parents

Children are born every second. Some may arrive unexpectedly, but having a baby is one of the happiest and altering life experiences that can happen to anyone. Nothing can compare with the time you keep your child in his arms for the first time.

Giving birth is a very happy occasion, but the conclusion of that time can begin any time soon. I am sure we are all familiar with the term bridal shower, a party thrown by one of the friends of the bride to give gifts to the bride. This kind of celebration is now common for parents to expect, so his friends can offer gifts to the baby will be born.

The right gifts are very difficult to find on any occasion. There is always the question whether it is the right thing to buy or whether the recipient can enjoy. Because of this, you should always go to specialty shops to get things right for every occasion. When it comes to baby shower gifts, the Internet is the first thing you should see from the website swaddleandcoddle.com.

Here you will find gifts very interesting, innovative, fun and developed for such special occasions. The first thing you must fix their eyes are on the fundamentals Beary blankets, because what the baby does not need to coddle a blanket in bed.

The basic Beary blankets come in several designs meant for each parent, please. For example, if prospective parents are expecting a girl, then the pink and brown blankets version is the best choice you can make. If the unborn baby is a boy, there are models that have all the cowboys over the blanket. There Beary basic models with blankets baseball for sports enthusiasts as well.

Tissues used for Beary basic blankets are very soft for the baby is very comfortable. Satin trim and pom-pom dividing keep the baby occupied and entertained. What makes it even more attractive is that it is already a gift box with a gift card and butterfly bow.

Another very interesting and timely gift comes in the form of cakes diapers. These things serve both style and impressive designs, but they are also very practical for parents expect. It may represent the center of attention at the party.

PaƱal cakes are made of layers of disposable diapers that can be used by parents for the baby. Its design includes delicate and beautiful flowers of silk. Bathed in white tulle, secured with a satin bow, which was held together with the help of a diaper pin can create an impression worth remembering.

These cakes diapers can be supplied in any situation, no matter whether it is in a hospital, Baby Shower in part, after the baby is born room for decoration or any other situation. It is one of the best ways to welcome a child into the world or to wish them happy birthday.

There are also different sizes that come cake diapers. For example, you choose the large size, the cake has three levels and is composed of one hundred disposable diapers. The small version only has two levels and includes only forty disposable diapers.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Party Princesses Love Inflatable Castles

Kid's parties have come a long way. Before, food are the main points of the game. Then there were games and game tokens. Now, the issue is the hottest parties. Children come in full costume to celebrate a friend's birthday party. Children dress as well as much, because they can play make believe in their beautiful costumes. As for parents, who undoubtedly see the love of their children are having fun.

But the biggest problem with the costume parties is that some children end up wearing a dress more beautiful and more attractive a package of accessories that the main celebrant birthday. And so the birthday girl gets overshadowed. So instead of having fun, she ended up looking like any other guests in his own party.

Do you know what is the simple solution to this problem is? Give a castle to go with her dress. Surely, even the most beautiful girl with them will not be able to dress up. What makes it different from his party princess all its customers is your castle. It is something that only she can own.

Now you can find a castle? If you build a time for the match, you can not make the deadline. In addition, a feat that is quite expensive too, especially if it involves only one day's worth of fun. Do not worry now. There is a more practical solution. All you need do is rent an inflatable castle. Configure it and you're all set. His party princess surely love.

Rental inflatable castle is becoming a business opportunity fashionable these days. Party organizers buy a castle inflatable and then rented to parents whose children are celebrating his birthday. Because the issue is the most recent fashion today, a princess birthday party with a castle that is more like it.

With the entry of inflatable castles to birthday parties, not princess-themed event is never complete without him. Make your daughter's birthday the best launched this year. Give your guests something to remember for the rest of their lives. You never know, but the simple inflatable castle that played in its infancy during the day could be the only thing they were able to keep in their hearts for the coming years.

Try to surprise his birthday princess with an inflatable castle. You can easily pass the castle of his garage without his noticing. If you decide to buy an inflatable set instead of renting one, you will receive a fan and a kit to repair the course. You can use the ease of configuration for the castle in their backyard. If you decide to rent one, the party organizer is more likely to be around the security settings for you. These castles and should be ready within a few minutes.

His party princess and all its customers can enjoy playing without doubt it. Your daughter might even ask for this toy for his birthday every year. If you have more than two or more children, is better than buying a game for them instead of renting all the time. Moreover, this is the best game you can give to their children. It is safe, bouncy and fun.