Sunday, September 14, 2008

Infidelity in Marriage: How to Cope with a Cheating Spouse

Infidelity touches 80% of all marriages. Unfortunately, many people are not even aware that what is happening in her marriage until quite a bit of time has passed. Men and women recovering from infidelity go through similar stages of recovery and share a common need for support and marital counseling if they wish to rebuild their relationship. The infidelity is the sine qua non for divorce.

Infidelity hits people in different ways, some angry, some calm acceptance, while others, we are stunned, was caught in shock. This is not a simple problem and can not be fixed with a simple cure, although that is what they desire most often. Sometimes a marriage can seem perfect from the outside, when the reality is that the unspeakable act, in fact, has taken place.

Matters are more likely to occur during these phases in a couple's life cycle. Usually, involving sex, at least enough sex to create a secret that sealed the conspiratorial alliance of the case, and makes the relationship tense, dangerous and therefore exciting. Most cases involve a bit of bad sex and hours on the phone. Matters are always traps lead to emotional disaster. It is like being trapped in a network created by deception, deceit, disloyalty, and a bewildering kind of love.

Affairs are, unfortunately, one of the biggest reasons for separation and divorce these days. That's why it's a good idea to understand what you can do today to help affair-proof your marriage in the coming years. If you suspect your spouse is cheating you, do not let those feelings go. There is nothing wrong with being more aware of their spouse. Marriage is a difficult thing to maintain, requires a lifetime of love and comittment.

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